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Event Location
27 Jul, 2024 From 9:00 PM to 10:30 PM Masjid Hasanah, Singapore View MapEvent will be conducted in Malay/English
Jamuan Pek Bento disediakan
Muslimin dan Muslimat dijemput hadir
Salurkan sumbangan ikhlas anda untuk projek menaik taraf kawasan Masjid Hasanah melalui:
UEN PayNow: S70MQ0042B (isikan ruang Bill reference dengan “wakaf”)
OCBC Account: 591 070164 001
Mimbar: https://hasanahmosque.mimbar.sg/infaq/1200
Sumbangan anda amat kami hargai & semoga Allah SWT membalas sumbangan anda.
Terima kasih.
Hasanah Mosque will continue its Monthly Syarahan series for 2024 with the topic "Istiqamah" by the esteemed Ustaz Dr. Liyaket Ali.
The Syarahan will be conducted bilingually in English and Malay immediately after the Isyak prayer.
Come and join us with your family and friends. All Muslim men and women are invited.
Bento pack meal provided.
Kindly channel your sincere contributions for the upgrade project of Hasanah Mosque through:
UEN PayNow: S70MQ0042B (fill in the Bill reference with "wakaf").
OCBC Account: 591 070164 001
Mimbar: https://hasanahmosque.mimbar.sg/infaq/1200
Your contributions are greatly appreciated & may Allah SWT reward your generosity.
Thank you.
Hari & Tarikh: Sabtu, 27 Julai
Masa: 7.30 mlm - 9.30 mlm
Tempat: Dewan Solat Utama, Masjid Hasanah
Day & Date: Saturday, July 27
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Venue: Main Prayer Hall, Masjid Hasanah